International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS) <p><strong>International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS)</strong> is a peer-reviewed open-access journal that is published by R-World Publications, India (from 2021). Journal set to work in 2014 publishing original research work about in the field of Management Studies. This journal believes in Golden open access where the authors pay the charges of the publication and the articles are made open access for everyone upon publication. The only revenue for the journal is the publication fee as the journal does not accept any advertisements.<br />All scholars who want to publish with IJMS, are recommended to read our policies carefully before submitting their manuscript.</p> <p><strong> Call for Papers - Volume XI, Issue 1, 2024</strong></p> <p><sup> Please submit to <a href=""> </a>or <a href="">Click here</a> as per <a href="">Submission Guidelines</a></sup></p> en-US (R-World Publications, India) (R-World Publications, India) Mon, 31 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 A Study of Factors that Influence the Quick Service Restaurants of Baner and Balewadi to OPT for Online Food Ordering Portals <p><strong><em>Purpose</em></strong><em>: This study investigates the impact of online food ordering portals on Quick Service Restaurants (QSRs) in Baner and Balewadi. It aims to identify the factors that drive QSRs to adopt online food ordering services, resulting in business expansion, increased customer reach, higher profits, and improved customer loyalty. Additionally, the research explores the contribution of online food ordering portals to awareness creation and revenue generation in the QSR industry. </em><strong><em>Methodology:</em></strong><em> The research employed a descriptive research design to analyse the QSR landscape in Baner and Balewadi. Secondary information from books and online sources provided insights into online food ordering trends. Primary data was collected through a survey of 52 QSRs using convenience sampling. Questionnaires were administered to QSR owners or managers, and data analysis involved counting, comparing, and presenting the findings using Microsoft Excel. <strong>Findings:</strong> The study revealed that partnering with online food ordering portals had a significant positive impact on QSRs in Baner and Balewadi. It resulted in increased sales and revenue growth, driven by the expanded customer reach and convenience offered by these platforms. QSRs also experienced improved customer attraction and retention, contributing to enhanced business prospects.</em> <strong><em>Implications:</em></strong><em> The findings emphasize the significance of online food ordering portals for QSRs, enabling them to expand their reach, boost sales, and cultivate customer loyalty. Partnerships with online portals offer QSRs valuable opportunities to enhance their business prospects. The insights from this study can assist QSRs in making informed decisions regarding marketing strategies and establishing a strong online presence.</em></p> Dr. Manisha Jagtap, Dr. Sajid Alvi Copyright (c) 2023 R-World Publications, India Mon, 31 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Enterprise Knowledge Management and Digital Transformation <p><strong><em>Purpose:</em></strong><em> Research literatures highlighted that digital transformation is implementing a total entrepreneurial modification in businesses. But, still there is very little comprehension about the modifications relevant with the information, knowledge and processes of knowledge in this regard. Hence, it is very important to verify and know that how the area of knowledge management study is growing in the respect of the modifications taking place due to digital transformation. Studies also proved that digital transformation confronts and challenges with the managers in different areas and contexts. <strong>Findings:</strong> Digital transformation is one basic provocation coming in way of the enterprise growth and development in previous years due to its strategic impacts. The study draws conclusion that the businesses must grow and design new sources and capacities for getting benefits of opportunities provided by digital transformation. This study provides a better comprehension of the knowledge as a vital and strategic source in relevant to the concept of digital transformation. Digital transformation related studies have elaborated positive outcomes of digital technology in enterprise business. <strong>Methodology:</strong> This study is a literature based study. Conducted by studying the available literature relevant with the digital transformation and knowledge management and enterprise. <strong>Implications:</strong> Since there are ambiguous understanding about the entrepreneurial knowledge and its management in the perspective of digital transformation, the vitality solving of this problem lies in urgent requirement for enterprises to design the ways in which they effectively can arrange for the management of knowledge for deriving the advantages of it. The management of digital transformation and its impact on enterprises is related as it can out an enterprise from its competitive position, performance improvement, new market generation, operational efficiency leveraging etc. <strong>Originality:</strong> There are unclear scenery and understanding about the entrepreneurial knowledge and its management in the perspective of digital transformation and its impact on the businesses. Hence, it very imperative to get the understanding about the concept of entrepreneurial knowledge management and digital transformation. This research work is an original work of author and all the sources and references are duly cited by the author.</em></p> Prof. Chaugule Sharif Mahemud Copyright (c) 2023 R-World Publications, India Mon, 31 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Green Banking System & Practices and Sustainable Development: An Indian Perspective <p><strong><em>Purpose: </em></strong><em>Green banking is a relatively newer concept, especially in the context of many developing countries, in achieving the objectives of economic development and growth by keeping a balance of environmental protection. In India, it is approximately two decades old, with the introduction of green programs in the context of society and environment like, granting loans for local economic development projects and loan credits to women etc. <strong>Methodology:</strong> This paper provides a literature review study about the concepts of green banking and green finances as well as the impacts of these concepts in relevance with economy and environment and sustainable banking in India. <strong>Findings:</strong> Green banking system is a future model banking, balancing the environmental and economic advantages with expenditure, for all the players of this banking system and paving the way for sustainable banking system. <strong>Implication: </strong>This study will be helpful in increasing the awareness, encouraging green investment for creation of green finance and effective implementation of these concepts. <strong>Originality:</strong> This research paper is an original work of author and all the references and sources are duly cited by the author.</em></p> Dr. Meena Fakira Patil Copyright (c) 2023 R-World Publications, India Mon, 31 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Gender Based Behaviour and Differences - Relevant to Online Shopping: A Literature Review Study <p><strong><em>Purpose:</em></strong><em> Commonly the marketing companies follow different marketing strategies for female and males. Though there may be existence of different elements like interest or expertise for genders. Gender study is far away than these obvious distinguish elements. It is, trying to understand more basic distinctions like skills, attention or processing and revealing when and how these impact behaviour. Getting insight in the gender differences is vital for researchers for not only marketing activities but also for understanding psychological aspect of consumers and buyers for getting complete benefits of advertising and marketing activities and understanding consumer behaviour. Researchers in consumer psychology have placed very low attention towards the study of gender differences, though these differences are vital in understanding about consumer behaviour. <strong>Methodology:</strong> This is a literature review based study providing an overview of the gender based behaviour and differences and online shopping behaviour, completed on the basis of study of literature relevant with the topic. <strong>Findings:</strong> Literature proved that there are different roles played by both genders of females and males like women generally give value to interdependence and inclusiveness, on the other men on independence and instrumentality. Men may promote and support self-benefitting promotional campaigns, spend higher money for enhancing stature while shopping with other peoples, support well-structured online shopping and cope or try to being away from effects of negative emotions. On the other women more support equitable distribution of resources, show attention towards appeals for help of others and for effect of their actions etc., have preference about socially and sensible environment of traditional shopping. <strong>Implications:</strong> The understanding about the differences of gender will be grown and can be further studied for finding solutions and eradicating strategies of gender differences are developed with the help of integration of the findings of study. For getting advantages of consumer research, it is very important to be in detail about the understanding of cognitive mechanism underlying responses of genders for putting light on aspects of cognitive processing of genders. This will help in further studies for fulfilling the need of theory, which will be putting light fully on spectre of effective outcome (i.e. costs and benefits) of response and processing pattern of both gender also forecasting when which kind of these outcomes will take place. <strong>Originality:</strong> This literature review based study providing an overview of the gender based behaviour and differences and online shopping behaviour on the basis of study of relevant literature is an original work of author, and all the references are duly cited.</em></p> Dr. A. V. More Copyright (c) 2023 R-World Publications, India Mon, 31 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 A Literature Review Study of the Farmers Producer Organizations (FPOs) <p><strong><em>Purpose: </em></strong><em>With the object of ensuring better income for the producers through their own organization is the main motto behind the establishment of Farmer Producers Organizations (FPO). Due to small size of operations, at national as well as state level, the farming community faces a lot of difficulties and hindrances. These farmers are not able to work on economies of scale, they are having lack of information, low level of knowledge, lack of ability in market access, lack of ability in accessing inputs and credits at subsidised rates, low marketable surplus, having low bargaining power etc. <strong>Findings:</strong> In order to address these issue the Farmers Producer Organizations are set up. So that small and marginal farmers can be organized in a group and the produces of entire group members are aggregated, and collectively these aggregated products are sold and new inputs are bought. Despite efforts, as they are affected by many challenges and issues, expected outcomes are not delivered by Farmers Producing Organizations. <strong>Methodology:</strong> In this literature review study an effort is made regarding understanding about the farmer producer organizations, their functioning and understanding about the challenges they are facing. <strong>Implication: </strong>With a better understanding about the Farmer Producer Organizations, their functioning and challenges and issues faced by them, the challenges can be overcome effectively, the FPOs can achieve the benefits of economies of scale, their profit margins can be improved and inputs can be bought at competitive prices by them which will ultimately be beneficial for small and marginal farmers. <strong>Originality:</strong> This research paper is original work of author conducted for understanding about the farmer producer organizations, their functioning and understanding about the challenges they are facing. All the reference are duly cited by the author.</em></p> Yennawar Shilpa Lakshmikant, Dr. Nandkishor N. Dhondge Copyright (c) 2023 R-World Publications, India Mon, 31 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 A Study of Customer’s Attitude and Adoption of Fin-tech in Tiruchirapalli District, Tamil Nadu <p><strong><em>Purpose</em></strong><em>: Fintech is a tremendous financial revolution in the West and has spread all over the globe in the past. The development of mobile phone technology and internet services has made the mode of payments very easier .In this digitized era, Fintech plays a very important and crucial role . The major advantage of mobile payment is “cashless” payment from anywhere to anyone at any time. It has emerged to ease customers daily commercial transactions. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the awareness, usage and willingness to use different financial services of FinTech and the factors contributing towards using FinTech, the future of Fintech services in Banks and Concerns for FinTech products and behavioral intention to use FinTech. <strong>Methodology: </strong>This study used descriptive research methods and primary data has been collected using structured questionnaire.</em> <em>The&nbsp; study the major drivers of the factors attracting respondents to Fin Tech, different analysis tools of Excel and SPSS has been used. </em><em>Binary logistics regression has been used to test the hypothesis. </em><em>The variables such as&nbsp; Awareness, Usage and Willingness to use of Different Financial Services of Fin-Tech, Ease of use, Faster Service, Wider availability of Service, Cheaper services, Access to Advice, Easy Accessibility, Enhanced Customer Experience, Minimum Regulatory Concerns, Innovation&nbsp; in Existing Products , Security of Investment , Protection of Personal Data, Confidence in Fintech services&nbsp; , Trust in transaction process and results , its security and its perceived usefulness and attitude are studied to assess its contribution towards usage of Fin Tech services by customers. <strong>Findings:</strong> The multiple regression analysis results revealed that independent variables such as Security, Confidence, Convenience, Availability of services provided, Usefulness, Ease of Use, Information of Fin Tech are the significant factors that influence customers in using FinTech services. <strong>Implications: </strong>This study implies that even though the payment method has been altered around the world, security to personal data plays a major role in choosing Fintech services by customers. The banking industry is recommended to improve the digital financial services and provide a safer and more convenient usage methods to its customers. <strong>Originality</strong>: The data has been collected directly from the public through questionnaire. This has created an awareness of the various FinTech services available presently in the Financial Sector.</em></p> A. Abi, Dr. V. Jaisankar Copyright (c) 2023 R-World Publications, India Mon, 31 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 A Literature Review Study of the Role of Self-Help Groups (SHGs) in Community Development and Rural Women <p><strong><em>Purpose: </em></strong><em>The terminologies related with women development, community development and self-help groups (SHGs) are frequently used. Many researches are published on the issue depicting the advantages as well as disadvantages of these SHGs, and undoubtedly, these SHGs have been successful in placing the women at the right place in social system as well as pushing forward the women participation in the Indian political and economic system. <strong>Findings:</strong> Many researchers are of the view that evidence showing about making the women members of SHGs self-reliant is not found but identified just as beneficiaries of that SHGs. Literature available shows as a phenomenon, SHGs has made its women members confident and hopeful by way of creation of positive energy or motivation in them. <strong>Implication: </strong>There are not sufficient proof about the transformation or enhancement in economic and mental independency of women members outside groups. In absence of such transformation complete potential of women can not be realized. Hence it is very necessary to actually know about the insights, scope and implications of the factors influencing on the rural women and community development. <strong>Methodology: </strong>This research work with the help of review of literature, tries to find the role of SHGs in community development and empowerment of rural women. <strong>Originality: </strong>This research work is purely done by the author and all the references are duly cited.</em></p> Deepali Ravindra Chandramore, Dr. Kanchan M. Sananse Copyright (c) 2023 R-World Publications, India Mon, 31 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Impact of Mergers and Acquisitions on the Indian Economy: A Comparative Study of Challenges and Opportunities <p><strong><em>Purpose</em></strong><em>: Mergers and Acquisitions are the emerging trends of long-run business survival that strengthen market share and bring the weaker section into the mainstream. This research initiative focuses on analysing emerging economy like India along with a comparative study of challenges and opportunities for the corporate world. The principal objective of the present study is to identify the strategic decisions that strengthen business performance and experience a great impact on the Indian Economy. <strong>Methodology: </strong>The research study describes the brightest part of the Merger and Acquisition decision along with the probable challenges. The researchers collected data from original sources with the personal interaction and secondary sources of data were considered for understanding the financial status of corporate sectors after mergers and acquisitions. The researchers were classified the data and analysed with the help of suitable tools. <strong>Findings</strong>: Strategic plan for merger &amp; acquisition is the smart decision, especially for the sick units which are recovered from challenges and safeguard the existing employees and their future survival. The results of the research initiative addressed the emerging benefits of collaboration decisions that strengthen brand loyalty and business reputation in the corporate world for long-run survival. <strong>Implications</strong>: The researchers interconnect research outcomes with the future research initiatives in the area of sector-wise merger and acquisitions, trends and directions of merger and acquisitions, potential corporate support and infrastructure required for merger and acquisitions that will bring the Indian Economy to the Global Leadership Position. <strong>Originality</strong>: The present study was carried out with original idea and sources of data collection and analysis.</em></p> Ms. Vaishnavi B. S., Suplab Kanti Podder Copyright (c) 2023 R-World Publications, India Mon, 31 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Team Performance & Transformational Leadership: Understanding Impact of Teamwork Processes on Team Performance <p><strong><em>Purpose:</em></strong><em> In the past many concepts have connected many aspects of team performance with transformational leadership. Some studies discussed about improvement in multiple function process of team innovation, with the help of transformational leadership dependence, whereas, some study elaborated improvement in skills of team decision making through the transformational leadership use, Moreover, studies also gave a general concept that how transformational leadership can interconnect with and impact team elements like conflict management and cohesion, but authors not presented any testable and specific argument or hypothesis. Methodology: This study was based on literature review methodology. In this study literature relevant with team performance, transformational leadership, teamwork processes were studied. <strong>Findings:</strong> After studying relevant literature study found that, conflict management, communication and cohesion are vital elements of teamwork processes. Some authors accepted that there may be several other elements of teamwork processes affecting performance, but these were empirically justified and well developed teamwork processes. Finally study concludes that, positive team conflict management actions will predict positive team performance, prompt and open communication will predict positive team performance and cohesion of team will predict positive team performance. <strong>Implications:</strong> Better understanding in relevance of team performance, leadership and teamwork processes, may have distinct practical impact on issues related with teams like structure, selection and training of team, team consensus and decision making strategy. Study included just three elements of teamwork processes. It is obvious that, there are more elements occupying separate crucial areas having sub skills and concerning efficient teamwork. Such elements are also need to be studied, which this study have not included, as these variables have potential to impact on total performance of team. <strong>Originality:</strong> A complete and thorough literature relevant with concept and theory base association of teamwork processes and transformational leadership developments is in very scarce. This study will contribute in the relevant literature. This is an original work of author and all the references are duly cited.</em></p> Dr. Vinit Harishchandra Rakibe Copyright (c) 2023 R-World Publications, India Mon, 31 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Phubbing Behaviour: New Age Invented Barrier to Communication <p><strong><em>Purpose:</em></strong><em> The phubbing practice has become a rising concept globally, keeping the researchers interested in this recent phenomenon. The reason for this may be, it is found that, uncontrolled use of mobiles. While during accompanying other persons, someone is heavily involved in his own mobile phone ignoring the other person. It has adverse social effects for people. This ignoring of accompanying person, in favour of mobile use, has become so distinct that this socially adverse behaviour has compelled in giving rise to coining a new terminology called as, ‘phubbing’. This behaviour is socially in appropriate and put adverse impact on social relations and communications. The purpose of this research work is, to provide an overview of the recent and available literature relevant with phubbing and themes and contents consisting relevance with the topic. <strong>Methodology:</strong> This is literature review based study. For conducting this study, a literature review was conducted, for which, the literature relevant with the phubbing and relevant themes in contents were studied. <strong>Findings:</strong> The act of humiliating someone socially, by looking or concentrating on his own phone, in spite of giving attention to that person. This is called as phubbing. This kind of behaviour has adverse effects on inter personal relations and communications, detrimental to relation satisfaction, and individual wellbeing feelings. The results of the study also give the most published areas topics or themes of phubbing or focused areas of study of phubbing. <strong>Implications:</strong> The results of this review study are expected to motivate and guide the future researchers and directions of the future research in this area. <strong>Originality: </strong>The concept of phubbing is relatively a newer. The research and literature available relevant with, are up to very limited extent. The base of these behaviours are not yet constructed so vastly to occupy sufficient space in research area. Hence it is vital to know more about phubbing behaviour and focus areas of research for phubbing behaviour, while doing so assist researchers in getting information and knowledge with regard to this social concept. Therefore, this research work was conducted, it is an original work of author and all the references are duly cited.</em></p> Dr. Ishtiyaque Ahmed Copyright (c) 2023 R-World Publications, India Mon, 31 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Survival of Enterprises: A Review of Literature Study about the Elements Impacting on the Survival of Enterprises in the Market <p><strong><em>Purpose:</em></strong><em> In recent times due to economic crises faced by many nations number of working enterprises close down their business and there may be number of reasons for that. As per data in Latin America and OECD nations, greater than half of enterprises established closed businesses in their prior five years. Not just this but about on an average 25 percent newly established enterprises are closed in their first year of establishment. But, when enterprises are closed, there are destruction of jobs, impacts on productivity level of existing enterprises, and aggregate level growth is also affected. The objective of this research is to study the elements impacting on the survival of business enterprises and to make available a research support for future studies to be conducted regarding understanding the elements impacting on the enterprises existence for finding and understanding the ways for enhancing the life span of enterprises in the larger benefit of economy and business growth and development. <strong>Methodology:</strong> For achieving objective of the present research a literature review study is conducted and elements impacting on the survival of enterprises are studied. <strong>Findings:</strong> After studying the literature available regarding survival of enterprises research shows that there are number of internally and externally elements impacting on the survival of enterprises. Be it, human resources, co-operation, research &amp; development activities, location of enterprise, environment, business cycle, entry rate of enterprise, entry scale of enterprise, unemployment, inflation rate, education, collaboration, export participation, industry, market competition, market growth, enterprise level and individual level elements etc. <strong>Implications:</strong> The objective of this research is to study the elements impacting on the survival of business enterprises and this present study will make available a research support for future studies to be conducted regarding understanding the elements impacting on the enterprises existence for finding and understanding the ways for enhancing the life span of enterprises in the larger benefit of economy and business growth and development. <strong>Originality:</strong> This research work is original work of author and conducted for finding out the internally and externally elements impacting on the survival of enterprises in the market. And all the references are duly cited.</em></p> Prof. Imran Ahmed Copyright (c) 2023 R-World Publications, India Mon, 31 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Customer Segmentation & Generating Value for Customers: A Study of Evolution and Importance of Market Orientation <p><strong><em>Purpose:</em></strong><em> the purpose of this research article is to define, study and review the literature relevant with the market orientation and evolution of market orientation. Though remarkable progress is been there in area of market orientation. In today’s environments of highly competition, the business enterprises must generate advantages which permit enterprises to distinguish from competition and create customer value. In order to achieving this, the enterprise must have the knowledge and mastery over the environment, externally and internally along with customers, adversaries and market relations between demand and supply, this means a powerful market orientation, and for fully understanding about market orientation literature about evolution of this concept also required to be studied. <strong>Methodology:</strong> For studying the concept and evolution of market orientation, a literature review study is conducted and literature with the relevant topic are studied. <strong>Findings:</strong> Market Orientation is related with the activities and processes linked with satisfying and generating customers by continuously judging their wants and needs, so in a manner that a measurable and demonstrable effect is there on performance of enterprise. Now market orientation may be considered as a mature concept, it has evolved from just satisfying and generating customers by continuously judging their wants and needs to new levels of blending of market orientation and next orientations like entrepreneurship orientation or innovation orientation permitting enterprises for having finer performances of enterprises. <strong>Implications: </strong>This study helps in understanding the concept and evolution of market orientation. </em><em>Proper implementation of market orientation will provide enterprises ability to distinguish them from competitors. Market orientation may be blended with innovation orientation and entrepreneurship orientation for getting competitive advantages in enterprise. For proper application of market orientation in enterprise, environment in which it is operated, culture of enterprise and climate must be understood. <strong>Originality:</strong> This research work is an original work of author and done by studying and reviewing the literature relevant with the topic. All the references are duly cited.</em></p> Dr. Arti Chudamanrao Lokhande Copyright (c) 2023 R-World Publications, India Mon, 31 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000