Power Distance Cultural Influence on Human Resource Management: A Comparative Study in India


  • Ms. Anitha B. Research Scholar, Jain University, Bangalore, India. Assistant Professor, Department of Management, CMR Institute of Management Studies, Bangalore, India.
  • Dr. Manasa Nagabhushanam Director, Centre for Educational & Social Studies, Bangalore, India.


HRM practices, Geert Hofstede, Power Distance cultural dimension, Recruitment,, Performance Management and Career Planning


Globalization has created immense openings and confronts to the MNCs in India. The challenges have created a need for every sector to rethink the Human Resource Management practices to enhance their competitive superiority in the market specifically to Information Technology industries. This created a necessity to undertake an empirical research study to recognize the influence of ‘Country- of- Origin’ culture on HRM practices. Therefore Geert Hofstede’s Power Distance cultural dimensions have been adopted to study its relationship with Human Resource Management practices. The analysis of the study concludes that power distance culture has a significant relationship in determining Human Resource Management practices in India specifically with regard to Recruitment, Performance Management and Career Planning.


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How to Cite

Ms. Anitha B., & Dr. Manasa Nagabhushanam. (2021). Power Distance Cultural Influence on Human Resource Management: A Comparative Study in India. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 5(4(2), 22–33. Retrieved from https://researchersworld.com/index.php/ijms/article/view/2072


