Emotional Branding: A New Way to Connect to Customers


  • Nanda Ankita MIET, Kot Bhalwal, Jammu, India.


Emotional Branding, Trust, Lifestyle, Relationship, Personality, Brand Attitude


The present study has been designed to examine the impact of different components of emotional branding on intention to purchase. There is a dearth of studies which have been done on emotional branding in the Indian context. With this background the present study has been planned in order to identify the impact of emotional branding and brand attitude on the consumer intention to purchase Dominos pizza. Data was collected from 105 youngsters in different colleges and universities of Jammu (India). Five independent variables, namely brand trust, brand lifestyle, brand relationship, brand personality and brand attitude were regressed with intention to purchase. The study being exploratory in nature is based on primary data collected from the students of various colleges and universities of Jammu region. Using convenient sampling method 105 students in graduate and post graduate levels were interviewed for the present study. The results have revealed that all the parameters to measure emotional branding (brand trust, brand lifestyle, brand relationship, brand personality) as well as brand attitude are positively correlated with intention to purchase. The study has also revealed that brand trust and brand lifestyle have the greatest impact on intention to purchase. Also, demographics do not seem to have a significant impact on intention to purchase Dominos Pizza.


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How to Cite

Nanda Ankita. (2021). Emotional Branding: A New Way to Connect to Customers. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 5(4(2), 01–09. Retrieved from https://researchersworld.com/index.php/ijms/article/view/2054


