Study of Customers’ Preference Towards Investment in Mutual Funds and Equity Shares with Special Reference to Lucknow
Liberalization, Deregulation, Return, Risk, LiquidityAbstract
The Indian capital market has been growing tremendously with the reforms of the industrial policy, reform of public sector and financial sector and new economic policies of liberalization, deregulation and restructuring. The Indian economy has opened up and many developments have been taking place in the Indian capital and money market with the help of financial institutions or intermediaries which foster savings and channel them to their most efficient use. One such financial intermediary who has played a significant role in the development and growth of capital market is Mutual Fund (MF). Mutual Funds are best alternative for those who do not have much knowledge about how to trade in capital market. Share is an ownership unit in corporation. The main feature of common or preferred stock is their liquidity and growth potential.
In the past, investment avenues were limited to real estate, gold, schemes of post office and banks. At present, a wide variety of investment avenues are open to the investors to suit their needs and nature. The required level of return and risk tolerance level decide the choice of the investor. This paper deals with investors’ preference towards Mutual Funds and equity shares. This paper also covers the most important attribute for investment consideration, the purpose of investment, type of Mutual Fund preferred, preferred mode of investment (SIP/ one time investment) for mutual funds and preferred mode of trading in case of investment in equity shares.
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