User Acceptance of Internet Banking in North India: With Special reference to the Haryana
TAM, Behavior Intention, Acceptance, Online BankingAbstract
The economic and financial system of the country considers the Banking Industry as its backbone and also recognizes it as a major service sector contributing tremendously to the Indian economy .The banking Industry has observed a change with respect to the financial reforms from the year 1991. In the current scenario, each and every bank is making an attempt to provide new products and services to its customers. However, for the banks to excel from their competitors, there was a need to reframe their strategies and resort to new technological ways of conducting business, in order to provide improved and better services to its customers. The presence of technology is now seen in all sectors of the economy. Internet Banking is a gift of the new technological advancements taking place in the Banking Industry. It can also be stated known as "Online banking" or "Web based banking”. The paper intends to investigate the factors determining the acceptance of Internet Banking amongst customers in Haryana along with influence of Internet Banking on the extent of satisfaction of customers. The acceptance of Banking via Internet revolves around two broad aspects of decision making together with acceptance of technology. A tailored edition of the theory called TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) (24) will be used as a foundation of the study. TAM states the acceptance of technology by the users to a large extent is affected by their behavior intention towards using the system.
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