Impact of Demographics on Trading Behavior of Retail Investors in Indian Stock Market - A study of Faridabad district


  • Pratima Rawal Ph.D Research Scholar, Lingaya’s Vidyapeeth, Delhi-NCR, India.
  • Dr. Jivan Kumar Chowdhury Professor, School of Management Sciences, Lingaya’s Vidyapeeth, Delhi-NCR, India.


Retail investor, Indian Stock market, perpetual experiences, trading behavior


This paper investigates about the perpetual experiences’ of retail investors in Indian Stock market. Indian Stock market is wide spread across the world. The data were gathered from 300 retail investors of Faridabad district situated in Haryana. In this study, the researcher has taken the cross sectional study. Deductive approach was carried out since the cyclic process starts from theoretical framework to formulating research proposition and gathering data based on the predicted proposition for drawing the outcome. A proper questionnaire prepared by the researcher through the reference of the concerned studies in a well structure manner for gathering the perpetual experiences of the retail investors from Faridabad-NCR who were experienced with the investing phenomenon. Chi-square technique was employed through using SPSS package. The study examines that there is an association between demographic profile such as age, gender and annual income with the trading behavior of the retail investors.



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How to Cite

Pratima Rawal, & Dr. Jivan Kumar Chowdhury. (2021). Impact of Demographics on Trading Behavior of Retail Investors in Indian Stock Market - A study of Faridabad district. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 5(2(7), 17–24. Retrieved from


