Examining the Impact of Role Overload on Job Stress, Job Satisfaction and Job Performance-A study among Married Working Women in Banking Sector
Role Overload, Job Stress, Job Satisfaction, Job PerformanceAbstract
Globalization fostered competition in every field multi fold. To survive in the competitive world it becomes mandatory for both men and women to opt for employment. Regarding women employment both men and women support the idea that women should work but the married women face the problem of time crunch as the amount of time that a men spend on housework is extremely small than that of women. The organizational and family Commitment increase when we talk regarding married working women’s. They have to work for a longer day than an average workday to meet the organizational and family expectation. It may lead to fatigue, conflicts, work stress and dissatisfaction among married working women’s. Married working women either voluntarily quit or withdraw temporarily to meet the family requirement and after that it become quite difficult for them to get an opportunity to reenter in job on similar terms. This paper examines the impact of Role Overload on Job stress, Job satisfaction and Job Performance of married working women. The data from 150 Married Working Women has been collected for the purpose of study from the Raipur Chhattisgarh region and regression analysis shows that Role Overload has positive impact on Job stress and Job Performance and negative impact on Job Satisfaction.
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