Efficient Spiritual Leadership Related to an Appreciative Inquiry-Style of Leadership in a Sample of Mexican Family Firms Owners


  • Enrique Reig Research Director, Bernardo Quintana Institute, Mexico.
  • Bernardo Quintana-Kawage President, Bernardo Quintana Institute, Mexico.
  • Ceferi Soler Professor, ESADE, Barcelona.
  • Hector Gaete Counselor, Santiago de Chile.
  • Sharon Aiza-Engel Assistant Researcher, Instituto Bernardo Quintana, Mexico.
  • Jaime Villareal President, ITIKA Furniture Firm, Mexico.
  • Marcello De Maria CEO, COMSA Mine, Mexico.


Appreciative Inquiry, Efficient Spiritual Leadership, Leadership


In the current exploratory research paper, a questionnaire was developed to measure an Appreciative Inquiry Model. In the second part, an appreciative inquiry test was correlated to an efficient-spiritual questionnaire. In the sample taken from Latin American CEOs, we could observe in the results, a significant correlation between an appreciative inquiry style of leadership with efficient-spiritual leadership. All the dimensions of appreciative inquiry were also correlated to efficient-spiritual. Further research is recommended.


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How to Cite

Enrique Reig, Bernardo Quintana-Kawage, Ceferi Soler, Hector Gaete, Sharon Aiza-Engel, Jaime Villareal, & Marcello De Maria. (2021). Efficient Spiritual Leadership Related to an Appreciative Inquiry-Style of Leadership in a Sample of Mexican Family Firms Owners. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 5(2(5), 103–108. Retrieved from https://researchersworld.com/index.php/ijms/article/view/1848


