A diagnostic study on Subliminal Communication in advertising as a Definitive Tool to Create or Intensify Purchase Intention


  • Dr. B. V. Jayanthi Associate Professor, Marketing Management, Institute for Technology & Management, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai, India.
  • Dr. Rajani Chandrashekar Associate Professor, Amity Global Business School, Panjagutta, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.


Subliminal communication, stimulus, Out of Home advertising, subliminal persuasion, purchase intention


In a world cluttered with a plethora of brands and advertising messages it becomes imperative for the marketers to understand the psyche of the consumers to effectively advertise. It has always been a dire necessity for the marketers to check upon the wastages in ad spends. Advertising expenditure in India is projected to increase by 13% to be pegged at Rs.69,346 crores in the year 2018 over 2017 by WPP-owned media agency GroupM which published its report titled ‘This Year Next year’. The study was conducted to identify the kinds of advertisements which capture the attention of today’s vibrant consumers and throw light upon the effectiveness of subliminal communication in the advertisements targeting at different age groups and occupations. The study brought out a few surprising revelations about the evergreen effectiveness of the ad messages and their impact on the consumers’ mind-sets. The study was conducted from December 2017 to March 2018 involving respondents of age groups 10 to above 55. It also tried to establish relationship between who the respondents were and what their ideas were about the persuasive intent of the subliminal messages for which students, working people, business class and the retired audiences were interacted with.


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How to Cite

Dr. B. V. Jayanthi, & Dr. Rajani Chandrashekar. (2021). A diagnostic study on Subliminal Communication in advertising as a Definitive Tool to Create or Intensify Purchase Intention. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 5(2(4), 85–91. Retrieved from https://researchersworld.com/index.php/ijms/article/view/1830


