Iron-ore Export Behavior and Performance of Goan Exporting Firms


  • Manasvi M. Kamat Principal and Associate Professor, SSPES’s Goa Multi-Faculty College, Dharbandora, Goa, India.


Iron-ore, Export behavior, Firm performance, Market share, Goa


This paper attempts to enquire whether firms differ systematically in the nature of their output markets and operational efficiency by pointing out their relative differences in performance. Using panel date it is examined whether the choice of markets influences the firms and as to how their performances differ to influence aggregate regional exports. The reasons for firms’ relative performance are measured to successfully summarize their individual performance and resultant contribution to the state’s export distribution direction in Goa. It is found that any exogenous force such as use of technological advancement or labour or working efficiency can easily impact positively and more or less uniformly on the performance level of the companies and the resultantly on aggregate export performance of a region.


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How to Cite

Manasvi M. Kamat. (2021). Iron-ore Export Behavior and Performance of Goan Exporting Firms. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 5(2(4), 1–11. Retrieved from


