Mobile Shopping: An Analysis of Extended Technology Acceptance Model of Indian Consumers


  • Ms. Jaspreet Kaur Research Scholar, Department of Management, I.K.G. Punjab Technical University, India.
  • Dr. Harmeen Soch Associate Professor, Department of Management, I.K.G. Punjab Technical University, India.


Technology Adoption Model, Flow Theory, Control, Mobile Shopping, consumer Behavior


The study integrates two distinct theories for investing the intentions of Indian consumers’ to adopt mobile shopping. Based on existing literature a conceptual model has been proposed, which will explain the integrated effect of flow and TAM theory in the adoption of mobile shopping. Secondary purpose of this study is to check the influence of flow and its dimension (control), on attitude and intentions on mobile shopping experience. Further, the study proposes that flow experience is induced by perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use toward mobile shopping. Current paper also proposed that flow positively affects attitude therefore influencing purchase intentions. To study the above hypotheses structural equation model will be used. Data will be collected from 490 Indian online shoppers for testing the hypotheses. The data will be collected through convenience sampling technique. Likert scale (seven points) ranging from “very strongly agree “(VSA) to very strongly disagree” (VSD) will be used in the study. The items used in the questionnaire will be taken from the prevailing scales. Further the questionnaire will be divided into two parts. First part will predict the perception of consumers towards mobile shopping and second part will record the demographic details of the respondents. This current study will add to the literature of mobile shopping, as there is lack of literature in this field. This is the first study to check the impact of extended technology acceptance model specially by including flow theory in the case of Indian consumers. The paper concludes with managerial implications and future research directions.


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How to Cite

Ms. Jaspreet Kaur, & Dr. Harmeen Soch. (2021). Mobile Shopping: An Analysis of Extended Technology Acceptance Model of Indian Consumers. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 6(1(2), 08–17. Retrieved from


