A Study of Performance of Top 5 Mutual Funds in India


  • Mr. Ishu Tayal Research Scholar, Manipal University Jaipur, India
  • Dr. Samar Sarabhai Associate Professor, Manipal University Jaipur, India


Mutual fund, risk factor, Fund attributes, Risk-return investment, safety, security


Mutual Funds assume a noteworthy job in boosting the propensities for reserve funds among the Indian individuals as the Indians are less daring people with significant yields desire. The interest in mutual funds relies upon the hazard and return examination and market execution. A mutual fund is a typical pool of cash into which speculators with regular venture goals put their commitments that are to be contributed, as per the expressed target of the plan. The venture director puts the cash gathered into resources that are characterized by the expressed goal of the plan. For instance, an Equity reserve would put resources into Equity and Equity related instruments and a Debt store would put resources into Bonds, Debentures, Gilts and so on. Hence the execution of various mutual funds supports assume a noteworthy job. The determinants of mutual funds execution incorporate store properties,  age, measure, expenses, the executives structure, executives residency, and nation qualities like monetary improvement, money related advancement, commonality, and financial specialist assurance etc.


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How to Cite

Mr. Ishu Tayal, & Dr. Samar Sarabhai. (2021). A Study of Performance of Top 5 Mutual Funds in India. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 6(Spl Issue 4), 15–19. Retrieved from https://researchersworld.com/index.php/ijms/article/view/999


