Private Equity Investment and Exit Trends in India


  • S. Vijay Kumar Associate Professor Department of Business Management Stanley College of Engineering & Technology for Women, Hyderabad, India


Exit Value, Investments, Private Equity, India


The study structured the private equity(PE) investment cycle and follows the successive phases of market screening and exiting from investments. This studies attempts to understand the changing trend of PE investment in India. The Indian PE (PE) industry has witnessed a dramatic increase in terms of the number of enterprises funded as well as the volume of capital committed. This study investigates the performance and capital inflows of PE partnerships. The focus of this study is PE Investment in India and exit during last five years by using two most relevant measures they are activity level in the industry and performance of PE funds. Activity levels in the industry are used to measure how much capital is raised, how much invested, and how much distributed to investors. PE Performance is the kind of returns. The findings would give a better view to the investors in which industry to invest in.


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How to Cite

S. Vijay Kumar. (2021). Private Equity Investment and Exit Trends in India. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 6(Spl Issue 5), 38–49. Retrieved from


