The Role of Organizational Culture on the Overall Success of the Business


  • Prof. Imran Ahmed Assistant Professor in Commerce, MGV’s Arts, Commerce and Science College, (Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University) Malegaon, Nashik, Maharashtra, India.


organisational culture, manner, loyalty, employees


The main aim of this study is to explore the role of organizational culture on the overall success of the business. In order to collect data for the study, secondary sources of information were used. The report indicates that a positive culture gives he organization their identity through the creation of a brand image. The other notable impacts of positive organizational culture include shaping the manner in which the employees interact within the places of work, improving the level of loyalty of the employees, and thus lowering the levels of employee turnover, promoting healthy competition within the workplace, ensuring that there are proper guidelines to be followed, ensuring that the employees are brought together, promoting high achievement among the employees and promoting professionalism within the organization


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How to Cite

Prof. Imran Ahmed. (2021). The Role of Organizational Culture on the Overall Success of the Business. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 6(Spl Issue 6), 20–22. Retrieved from


