A Study on Investment and Return on Investment (ROI) on Social Media by Public Sector and Private Sector Banks in India


  • Dr. Meena Sharma Associate Professor, Vivekanand Institute of Management Studies and Research (VESIM), Chembur, Mumbai, India.


Digital marketing, Multimedia platform, Return on Investment, Social media techniques


In this digital era different strategies are adopted by the companies to market their products through different digital marketing channels like social media, Video marketing, social messaging apps, etc. As per their product requirement and population they choose one or more multimedia platforms for marketing their products. These digital marketing trends are very popular among the people and their number is increasing day-by-day. looking at these popular means of marketing techniques banks are also no way behind from their counterparts in using social media to reach out to their customers and conduct business. This paper is an attempt to know about the use of social media techniques by two biggest banks of the country SBI (public sector) and ICICI (private sector) to reach out to their customers for their products and services. The paper tries to find out the investment made by these banks on social media and Return on Investment (ROI) of these two banks and its impact on Net income of the banks. The findings of this research will help other public and private sector banks to adopt social media strategies for their business growth and development.


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How to Cite

Dr. Meena Sharma. (2021). A Study on Investment and Return on Investment (ROI) on Social Media by Public Sector and Private Sector Banks in India. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 7(1), 82–89. Retrieved from https://researchersworld.com/index.php/ijms/article/view/897


