An Empirical Study on Implementation of TQM Practices in Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs) of North Karnataka Region in India


  • Giridhari Tiwari Research Scholar, KBCNMU, Jalgaon, India
  • Dr. P.T. Chaudhari Professor, MJ College, Jalgaon, India


Total quality management, Small & medium Enterprises, Companywide quality control, Organization performance, TQM factors, Customer focus, Continuous quality improvement, Employee involvement & teamwork


TQM is an approach to management for an enterprise focused on quality, based on the involvement of all the employees with an intend of achieving enduring success through customer satisfaction and benefits to all stakeholders of organization. There is little research work has been carried on effect of TQM implementation in performance of small & medium enterprises in India. Literature review attract the importance of quality management practices for SMEs in order to improve their current business practices as well as quality of products and services to ensure long-term survival in increasing global competition. On the other hand, there are several constraints to successful implementation of TQM practices for example lack of awareness & training program relating to TQM, commitment by top management, customer focus, financial and human resources in SMEs. In particular, the study reveals the results of questionnaire survey of 1030 small & medium enterprises of north Karnataka region of India This research work is an extensive empirical research study on implementation of total quality management practices that examine the rationale of TQM implementation and impact on organizational performance. The present research study focused on examining TQM implementation practices that are most appropriate to the small and medium enterprises in India.


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How to Cite

Giridhari Tiwari, & Dr. P.T. Chaudhari. (2021). An Empirical Study on Implementation of TQM Practices in Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs) of North Karnataka Region in India. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 7(1), 41–52. Retrieved from


