A Study on Micro and Small Entrepreneurs in the Selected Districts of Odisha
Entrepreneurship Development Programme (EDP), Micro and Small Entrepreneurship, Socio-economic Factors, Micro and Small Scale Industrial SectorAbstract
Purpose: The present study attempts to make critical appraisal of Entrepreneurship Development Programme of Government in promoting entrepreneurs in micro and small sector and to examine various socio-economic factors responsible for their growth and sustenance. Methodology: The overall research work was based on primary data which were collected from the field by using semi structured questionnaires. A sample of 210 micro and small entrepreneurs operational in three districts were used for the study. The districts were chosen due to their outsized concentration of population of the entire state. Chi-square test has been used to investigate association between various parameters of the study. Ratio, percentage and tables are widely used for the purpose of analysis. Findings: It is observed that maximum numbers of entrepreneurs are not benefited from EDPs organized in their locality and very minimum numbers of entrepreneurs are benefited from EDPs. This might be due to low quality of EDPs organized or due to the non-application of techniques by micro and small entrepreneurs in their business. Implications: Instead of tailor made EDPs, need based programmes should be developed where quality will enjoy top priority. Married male Micro & Small Entrepreneurs proved to be successful in the growth and sustenance. Originality: No exploratory qualitative research work on prospects and challenges of micro and small entrepreneurs has been found yet in the state in general and in the selected districts in particular.
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