Survival of Enterprises: A Review of Literature Study about the Elements Impacting on the Survival of Enterprises in the Market
Survival of Enterprise, Elements, Innovation, Productivity, Location of EnterpriseAbstract
Purpose: In recent times due to economic crises faced by many nations number of working enterprises close down their business and there may be number of reasons for that. As per data in Latin America and OECD nations, greater than half of enterprises established closed businesses in their prior five years. Not just this but about on an average 25 percent newly established enterprises are closed in their first year of establishment. But, when enterprises are closed, there are destruction of jobs, impacts on productivity level of existing enterprises, and aggregate level growth is also affected. The objective of this research is to study the elements impacting on the survival of business enterprises and to make available a research support for future studies to be conducted regarding understanding the elements impacting on the enterprises existence for finding and understanding the ways for enhancing the life span of enterprises in the larger benefit of economy and business growth and development. Methodology: For achieving objective of the present research a literature review study is conducted and elements impacting on the survival of enterprises are studied. Findings: After studying the literature available regarding survival of enterprises research shows that there are number of internally and externally elements impacting on the survival of enterprises. Be it, human resources, co-operation, research & development activities, location of enterprise, environment, business cycle, entry rate of enterprise, entry scale of enterprise, unemployment, inflation rate, education, collaboration, export participation, industry, market competition, market growth, enterprise level and individual level elements etc. Implications: The objective of this research is to study the elements impacting on the survival of business enterprises and this present study will make available a research support for future studies to be conducted regarding understanding the elements impacting on the enterprises existence for finding and understanding the ways for enhancing the life span of enterprises in the larger benefit of economy and business growth and development. Originality: This research work is original work of author and conducted for finding out the internally and externally elements impacting on the survival of enterprises in the market. And all the references are duly cited.
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