Team Performance & Transformational Leadership: Understanding Impact of Teamwork Processes on Team Performance


  • Dr. Vinit Harishchandra Rakibe Loknete Vyankatrao Hiray Arts, Science and Commerce College, Panchavati, Nashik, India


Team Performance, Transformational Leadership, Teamwork Processes, Conflict Management, Communication, Cohesion


Purpose: In the past many concepts have connected many aspects of team performance with transformational leadership. Some studies discussed about improvement in multiple function process of team innovation, with the help of transformational leadership dependence, whereas, some study elaborated improvement in skills of team decision making through the transformational leadership use, Moreover, studies also gave a general concept that how transformational leadership can interconnect with and impact team elements like conflict management and cohesion, but authors not presented any testable and specific argument or hypothesis. Methodology: This study was based on literature review methodology. In this study literature relevant with team performance, transformational leadership, teamwork processes were studied. Findings: After studying relevant literature study found that, conflict management, communication and cohesion are vital elements of teamwork processes. Some authors accepted that there may be several other elements of teamwork processes affecting performance, but these were empirically justified and well developed teamwork processes. Finally study concludes that, positive team conflict management actions will predict positive team performance, prompt and open communication will predict positive team performance and cohesion of team will predict positive team performance. Implications: Better understanding in relevance of team performance, leadership and teamwork processes, may have distinct practical impact on issues related with teams like structure, selection and training of team, team consensus and decision making strategy. Study included just three elements of teamwork processes. It is obvious that, there are more elements occupying separate crucial areas having sub skills and concerning efficient teamwork. Such elements are also need to be studied, which this study have not included, as these variables have potential to impact on total performance of team. Originality: A complete and thorough literature relevant with concept and theory base association of teamwork processes and transformational leadership developments is in very scarce. This study will contribute in the relevant literature. This is an original work of author and all the references are duly cited.


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How to Cite

Dr. Vinit Harishchandra Rakibe. (2023). Team Performance & Transformational Leadership: Understanding Impact of Teamwork Processes on Team Performance. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 10(Special Issue 1), 48–53. Retrieved from