A Literature Review Study of the Role of Self-Help Groups (SHGs) in Community Development and Rural Women
SHGs (Self-Help Groups), Community Development, Rural Women, Women EmpowermentAbstract
Purpose: The terminologies related with women development, community development and self-help groups (SHGs) are frequently used. Many researches are published on the issue depicting the advantages as well as disadvantages of these SHGs, and undoubtedly, these SHGs have been successful in placing the women at the right place in social system as well as pushing forward the women participation in the Indian political and economic system. Findings: Many researchers are of the view that evidence showing about making the women members of SHGs self-reliant is not found but identified just as beneficiaries of that SHGs. Literature available shows as a phenomenon, SHGs has made its women members confident and hopeful by way of creation of positive energy or motivation in them. Implication: There are not sufficient proof about the transformation or enhancement in economic and mental independency of women members outside groups. In absence of such transformation complete potential of women can not be realized. Hence it is very necessary to actually know about the insights, scope and implications of the factors influencing on the rural women and community development. Methodology: This research work with the help of review of literature, tries to find the role of SHGs in community development and empowerment of rural women. Originality: This research work is purely done by the author and all the references are duly cited.
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