Green Banking System & Practices and Sustainable Development: An Indian Perspective


  • Dr. Meena Fakira Patil M.G.V's Mahilaratna Pushpatai Hiray Arts, Science and Commerce, Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Malegaon Camp, Nashik, India


Green Banking, Green Financing, Sustainable Development and Growth


Purpose: Green banking is a relatively newer concept, especially in the context of many developing countries, in achieving the objectives of economic development and growth by keeping a balance of environmental protection. In India, it is approximately two decades old, with the introduction of green programs in the context of society and environment like, granting loans for local economic development projects and loan credits to women etc. Methodology: This paper provides a literature review study about the concepts of green banking and green finances as well as the impacts of these concepts in relevance with economy and environment and sustainable banking in India. Findings: Green banking system is a future model banking, balancing the environmental and economic advantages with expenditure, for all the players of this banking system and paving the way for sustainable banking system. Implication: This study will be helpful in increasing the awareness, encouraging green investment for creation of green finance and effective implementation of these concepts. Originality: This research paper is an original work of author and all the references and sources are duly cited by the author.


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How to Cite

Dr. Meena Fakira Patil. (2023). Green Banking System & Practices and Sustainable Development: An Indian Perspective. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 10(Special Issue 1), 15–18. Retrieved from