Organic Agriculture, Challenges, Factors and Objectives for Development of Organic Agriculture
organic agriculture, farming, green marketing, sustainable, environment, foodAbstract
Developing nations require broadening market centred objectives for incorporating food preservation objectives. Increase in agricultural productivity and conservation of base of natural resources is possible with proper administration of systems of organic agriculture. From ecological, economic and social point of view, organic agriculture is proper alternative for decreasing surpluses and providing a choice to the land put aside. Implication: Developing nations urge in producing organic fibres and produce is tapping of marketing opportunities in developed nations. In addition, other apprehension are also there in shifting to organic management and agricultural system that are influenced by different motives like economic and food self-dependence, preservation of natural resources, rural development, promotion of exports, broader social development and striving in tapping some share in international market etc. Methodology: In this research work researcher has reviewed the literature about organic agriculture, challenges before the technique of organic agriculture, factors and objectives for the development of organic agriculture. Findings: Organic agriculture is popularising day by day. Not only farmers individual as well as retired persons are embracing the systems of organic farming for earning revenues on one hand and positively contributing for the maintenance of healthy environment on the other hand. High demand and profitable markets of organic foods are inspiring governments for promoting organic trade. Originality: This research work is purely done by the author and references given are justifiably cited. This work is honestly an original work done by the author himself with proper citation of all references.
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