Challenges in Blending of Innovation Management Systems and Quality Management Systems
Quality Management Standard, Innovation Management Standards, ISOAbstract
Purpose: In this highly competitive business environment components like Quality management System and Innovation Management System are highly impacting and leading to competitive advantage for the business firms. Majority of firms are given extra importance to the concept and need of innovation. Organizations are implementing the Quality Management Standard ISO9001:2015 and also innovation management standards ISO 56002:2019. Organizations are implementing the Quality Management Standard with the aim of improving their operational performance, on the other hand market conditions and competitive environment and stake holders exerting pressure for introducing innovative products and explanations to the market. Methodology: This research aims to investigate how businesses can leverage the quality management system for implementing the innovation management system, also aims in studying the challenges and defining the relevance between innovation systems of management and quality systems of management, with the help of available literature relevant with the topic. Findings: There is existence of some significant practices as regards to quality which can support and lubricate the formation of blend of both systems of management. In addition for ensuring a proper blend of quality management system and innovation management system the guidelines given in the ISO 56002:2019 must be followed in spirit, practices as explained by it must be implemented and key points in the initiatives and innovation process must also be introduced. Implications: Innovation enables in providing and creating uniqueness in the processes and products leading to greater and better values for consumers and financial gains for the business organizations. Blending the innovation with quality is important for being survived in competitive business environment. Originality: This is an original work of author which is based on review of literature. All the references are duly cited.
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