Formulation and Evaluation of Sustained Release Matrix Tablets by Using Different Polymers
Metformin hydrochloride, HPMC K100M, Matrix tablet, Sustained release direct compressionAbstract
The current paper was an attempt to design a sustained release dosage form using various grades of hydrophilic polymers. Metformin hydrochloride is an oral anti-hyperglycaemic drug belongs to BCS class III. Its short biological half life is 3 hrs hence it is an ideal candidate for sustained release formulation. The present investigation was aimed to formulate and evaluate sustained release matrix tablets of metformin hydrochloride using hydrophilic rate retarding polymers Hydroxy propyl methyl cellouse K100M and xanthan by direct compression. magnesium carbonate is used as a binders. From the in-vitro release studies it was found that the optimized formula containing Hydroxy propyl methyl cellouse K100M and 1.29% xanthan gum as retarding polymers showed a desired release of 97.09% for 12 hrs when compared to that of marketed product. From the results it was found that HPMC K100M and xanthan alone could not control the release effectively for 12 hrs. optimized concentration retarded the drug release effectively for 12 hrs. The dissolution data obtained from all the developed formulations were fitted in release kinetics.
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