Design and Evaluation of Fast Dissolving Tablets of Canagliflozin


  • Savithri T.B Department of Pharmaceutics, R R College of Pharmacy, Banglore, India.
  • Poornima N.B. Department of Pharmaceutics, R R College of Pharmacy, Banglore, India.
  • Pushkal Roy Department of Pharmaceutics, R R College of Pharmacy, Banglore, India.


Canagliflozin, superdisintegrants, solid dispersion, fast disintegrating tablets, Bangalore, India


Dosage form is used for the delivery of drug to a living body. Recent developments in fast dissolving/disintegrating tablets have brought convenience in dosing to elderly and children who have trouble in swallowing tablets. the present investigation was undertaken with a view to develop a fast disintegrating tablet of Canagliflozin which offers a new range of product having desired characteristics and intended benefits. The drug is poorly water soluble therefore to enhance the solubility and release of drug, solid dispersion of drug with aspartame was prepared by melt solvent method and melting method. In addition, the physical mixture was prepared for comparison. Different superdisintegrants such as crosscarmellose sodium,alginic acid, calcium silicate were used. Directly compressible aspartamewas used as a carrier and to enhance the mouth feel and taste. The tablets were prepared by direct compression technique on rotary tablet machine. The tablets were evaluated for hardness, friability, weight variation, wetting time, dispersion time and uniformity of content and in vitro dissolution test. All the tablets had hardness 3-4.5 kg/cm2 and friability of all formulations was less than 1%, weight variation and drug content were within official limit. Amongst all formulations, formulation F4 prepared with drug:aspartame (1:4) ratio by melting method and croscarmellose sodium as a superdisintegrants showed least disintegration time and faster dissolution.


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How to Cite

Savithri T.B, Poornima N.B., & Pushkal Roy. (2019). Design and Evaluation of Fast Dissolving Tablets of Canagliflozin. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 6(Spl Issue 7), 60–66. Retrieved from


