Six Thinking Hats on “Continuous Feedback: The New Normal”


  • Dr. Smruti R. Patre Associate Professor, School of Management, Arka Jain University, Jamshedpur, India.


Continuous feedback, annual appraisal, six thinking hats, new normal


Employee feedback is the core to performance which impacts the personal and professional growth of employees. Annual appraisal, which was once one of the most vital bustle within HR domain is gradually becoming redundant. performance management today has evolved to a technology enabled, new normal –Continuous feedback.  system. This paper aims to explore the various aspects of CFS from six different perspectives. Being a relatively new concept, the benefits and impact on business results of Continuous Feedback System is more scantily understood by organizations. A Six Thinking Hats approach may help managers, specially HR professionals, understand this better. Since this technique encourages the most pessimistic people to think of positive outcomes of a given situation, resulting in those who have not yet started with Continuous Feedback System to give a start and those who have started but are stuck midway because of lack of clarity, to advance further.


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How to Cite

Dr. Smruti R. Patre. (2021). Six Thinking Hats on “Continuous Feedback: The New Normal”. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 5(4(1), 84–92. Retrieved from


