Relationship between Organizational Citizenship Behaviour and Performance Appraisal among Restaurant Employees
Organizational citizenship behavior, Performance AppraisalAbstract
The author has made this study to provide information to the organization regarding how to make a progress in the achievement of its goals. Objective was also to find out the influence of such relationship on the system of performance appraisal. Furthermore the research also examines the ways by which this organizational citizenship behavior makes its influence on performance appraisal. The respondents for the study were the employees of Chennai’s restaurant sector. For the purpose of the study, individual workers were taken into consideration. The size of the sample for the study was fixed at 100. The elements of the sample were selected through Non- Probability Purposive sampling. This study significantly influence performance appraisal and the coefficient is positive which would indicate that 5 factors are related to higher Organizational citizenship behavior. This would seem to indicate that the percentage of organizational citizenship behavior with 5 factors is predicting performance appraisal.
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