Workforce Diversity and its Impact on Employee Performance


  • Mr. Deepu Kumar Research Scholar, DOS in Commerce, Manasagangotri University of Mysore, Mysore Karnataka, India.
  • Prof. B.H. Suresh Professor of Commerce and Management, Manasagangotri, University of Mysore, Mysore, Karnataka, India, India.


Workforce diversity, Employee Performance, Gender, Age, Education, Cultural diversity.


Workforce Diversity implies differences and similarities among people working in an organisation. This diversity may be in terms of age, religion, cognitive styles, tenure, personality, education, ethnic groups, family background, social status, culture and more. Thus, people with different demographic differences working in the organization makes a diverse workforce. The concept of workforce diversity gained much attention with globalisation and the need for the organisations to spread their business globally to reach customers across the world. Hence, diversity has been identified as one of the key drivers for sustaining competitive advantage. At the same time, it is also a big challenge for the organizations; so, they should train and educate their managers and supervisors on valuing and managing diversity. Thus, the diversified workforce will bring both opportunities as well as challenges to the organization, if not properly managed. The object of the study is to focus on the factors of workforce diversity which affects the employee performance in an organisation. Also to develop a conceptual model to discover the relationship between workforce diversity and employee performance.


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How to Cite

Mr. Deepu Kumar, & Prof. B.H. Suresh. (2021). Workforce Diversity and its Impact on Employee Performance. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 5(4(1), 48–53. Retrieved from


