Emotional Labor Predicts Burnout: Evidence from A Micro Level Analysis of Banking Sector in Kashmir


  • Dr. Mushtaq Ahmad Lone Department of Management Studies, Central University of Kashmir, Srinagar, India.
  • Syed Naiyar Andrabi Department of Management Studies, Central University of Kashmir, Srinagar, India.


Burnout, Emotional labor, Faking emotion, Hiding emotion, Deep acting


The present study made an attempt to assess the relationship between emotional labor and burnout among employees working in the banking sector. The sample for the study consisted 225 respondents of which 71.6% were males and 28.4% females with a mean age score of 3.02±1.02 (range from 30-40 years), it was found that the 55.6% of employees in the study belonged to the managerial level while as 44.4% of employees were from clerical level. Hiding emotion and dimensions of burnout were found statistically significant among the gender. The study also revealed that the hiding and faking emotion was positively and significantly related to burnout and deep acting was negatively related to burnout.


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How to Cite

Dr. Mushtaq Ahmad Lone, & Syed Naiyar Andrabi. (2021). Emotional Labor Predicts Burnout: Evidence from A Micro Level Analysis of Banking Sector in Kashmir. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 5(3(8), 56–62. Retrieved from https://researchersworld.com/index.php/ijms/article/view/2084


