The Impact of Brand Post Strategy and Social Media Engagement on Customer Loyalty


  • Dr. Jacob Joseph K Associate Professor, Department of Management Studies, Christ (Deemed to be University), Bengaluru, India.
  • Madhav Bindal Department of Management Studies, Christ (Deemed to be University), Bengaluru, India.


Customer Engagement, Social Media and Social Media Engagement


In a dynamic social system in which consumerism as an ideology is highly valued by brands because of the variety of product being introduced by the minute. The only way to ensure recurring sales is by the way ensuring customer loyalty. With the use social media platforms, both small and big businesses have engaged audiences to drive customer loyalty. This is because of increase in the ease of accessibility of social media platforms proving to be an effective way to engage existing and potential customer proving it to be an effective tool to pay attention. This research is based on the strategies brand can use to engage customers on social media platforms specifically Facebook in Bengaluru, India. A brand’s post strategy has an influence on the way a brand engages with the customers online. The same can be measured on three aspects: content type, posting time and media type. Subsequently, if a brand strategy for customer engagement is effective, it will eventually lead to loyalty. Thus, the aim of the study is assessing the influence of brand post strategy on social media engagement on Facebook and Instagram. The secondary aim of the study is to assess the impact of social media engagement on customer loyalty.


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How to Cite

Dr. Jacob Joseph K, & Madhav Bindal. (2021). The Impact of Brand Post Strategy and Social Media Engagement on Customer Loyalty. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 5(3(8), 48–55. Retrieved from


