A Study on Impact of Servicescape Dimensions on Perceived Quality of Customer with Special Reference to Restaurant Services in Kanpur


  • Durgesh Agnihotri Department of Business Administration, PSIT College of Management, Kanpur,UP, India
  • Pallavi Chaturvedi Department of Business Administration, PSIT College of Engineering, Kanpur,UP, India.


Servicescape, Service Quality Gap Model, tangibility, Physical Evidences


Physical evidences are very much important to support any service. People create an image of any brand on the basis of certain physical evidences.  Most of the restaurants are focusing on various physical evidences such as ambience, space, functional conditions, signage, décor, Uniform, tagline & name of the place instead of focusing on food quality only. The purpose of the paper is to find out the impact of these servicescape dimensions on quality perception in restaurant business in more inclusive way.

This paper has developed a new model for analyzing the impact of servicescape dimensions based on service quality Gap model. This model has specific focus upon increased use of tangibility in services.  Data is collected on the basis of questionnaire method. Conclusive research design is preferred along with probability sampling technique.

The result shows that servicescape is considered to be very important factor but it is not the only factor which will have huge impact on quality perception of customer. The result shows as service tangibility leads to influx of new customers but retention is based on food quality.  The result also shows as how servicescape dimensions are playing vital role in determining customer’s perceived service quality.

Outcome of the study is based on food industry/restaurant business only as it can be utilized in very precise manner in future. This study is also limited to certain region as it might be applicable to similar type of places only where demographic or geographic similarities exist. Price paid towards services can also be considered as a constraint as more prices paid for a service may lead to increase in perceived service quality expectation.

This study might help various restaurants in Kanpur to find out the exact utility of servicescape as it needs a lot of money to invest .Service provider must consider these servicescape dimensions seriously as ambient conditions, functional conditions, sign and symbol artifacts can play vital role in increasing customer foot fall and retention.

Most of the previous researches based on servicescape are general in nature. Choice of specific region and specific sector makes this research more appropriate and genuine. This paper provides better assessment of perceived service quality of customer towards service provider.


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How to Cite

Durgesh Agnihotri, & Pallavi Chaturvedi. (2021). A Study on Impact of Servicescape Dimensions on Perceived Quality of Customer with Special Reference to Restaurant Services in Kanpur. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 5(3(7), 115–124. Retrieved from https://researchersworld.com/index.php/ijms/article/view/2067


