Cultural Education on Household Stability in Kibaha District Local Communities: Provision and Management Perspectives


  • Janeth James Regional Cultural Officer, Coast Region, Tanzania.
  • Prof. Felician Barongo Mutarubukwa Associate Professor, Mzumbe University-Dar es Salaam Campus College, dare s Salaam-Tanzania.


Culture, Education, Household and Stability


Household is one of the vital sectors that without it no society can function. It is the basic unit of society where individuals cooperate and compete for resources and a primary place where individuals reproduce societal norms, values and beliefs. Generally, the study explored the role of education culture in influencing household stability in local community. Specifically, the identified cultural activities conducted with household organization, determined factors that influence members of household to engage in cultural activities, and investigated strategies that may help in ensuring household stability. Purposive and random sampling methods as well as case study design were employed. Data collection methods used were interviews, observations and documentary analysis. Cultural activities conducted by people were reveled to be initiative rites/ceremony; arts, tradition and night dances and these were impacts on activities in household and community. Findings revealed that, most of people in Kibaha local communities engage in cultural activities due to their belief and economic reasons and culture create more family stability than the family problem which is associated with. The conclusion is that cultural education in important for community development and stability. It is also recommended that local government and private institutions should make efforts to ensure that cultural aspects are there to stabilize the household and not to destroy it.


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How to Cite

Janeth James, & Prof. Felician Barongo Mutarubukwa. (2021). Cultural Education on Household Stability in Kibaha District Local Communities: Provision and Management Perspectives. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 5(3(7), 24–35. Retrieved from


