Service Quality towards Customer Satisfaction in Low Cost Airline Industries


  • Dr. R. Bhuvaneswaran Assistant Professor, Department of B.Com ( CA), Thiruthangal Nadar College, Chennai, India.
  • Dr. R. Venkatasamy Assistant Professor, Department of B.Com (General), Thiruthangal Nadar College,Chennai, India.
  • Prof. R. Ramarajan Assistant Professor, Department of B.Com (Corporate Secretary ship), Thiruthangal Nadar College, Chennai, India.


Aviation sector, Passenger satisfaction, Service quality, Low cost carrier, Airline services


The aviation sector has become the most important segment in the economic development of a nation. It plays a vital role in moving people or products from one place to another, either being domestic or international, especially when the distances involved are long. Currently, anyone can easily access the aviation service from their respective air terminals. In a highly competitive environment the provision of high quality services to passengers is the core competitive advantage for an airline's profitability and sustained growth. In the past decade, as the air transportation market has become even more challenging, many airlines have turned to focus on airline service quality to increase passenger satisfaction. An analysis of the data can provide guidelines for participating airlines in terms of strategies to improve their services and sustain loyalty among existing customers, as well as help in designing measures to attract new customers. From a consumer perspective, the findings uncover the values that consumers look for in the choice of airline services and other affecting factors.


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How to Cite

Dr. R. Bhuvaneswaran, Dr. R. Venkatasamy, & Prof. R. Ramarajan. (2021). Service Quality towards Customer Satisfaction in Low Cost Airline Industries. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 5(4(4), 125–129. Retrieved from


