Service Quality of Automated Teller Machine and Customer Satisfaction: A Case Study of State Bank of India, Patna (Bihar)


  • Reena Prasad Research Scholar (NET Qualified), Department of Applied Economics and Commerce, Patna University, Patna (Bihar), India.


Automated Teller Machine, Service quality, Customer Satisfaction


This study attempts to find out whether ATM (Automated Teller Machine) provides service quality to the customers in context of State Bank of India, Patna. For this purpose SERVQUAL scale proposed by Parasuraman et. al. (1988) has been used. The primary data for the study has been collected through the questionnaire for the customers of State Bank of India, Patna. Tools used for the data analysis are : frequency distribution table, some basic descriptive analysis like mean and standard deviation and one sample t-test. Results of data analysis and hypothesis testing has shown that ATM offers service quality to the customers and customers are satisfied with the ATM services. But all the dimensions of the service quality of ATM are placed in the customer satisfaction level of ‘satisfied’. So, there is need to further improve the service quality of ATM and popularize the various ATM services. The suggestions given for this purpose are related to security, awareness programme, education in technical skill, user-friendliness, cost factor and improvement in dimensions of Reliability and Responsiveness. Since this study is limited to the public sector bank located in the urban area, the future research can be done for comparing ATM service quality in rural and urban areas in different states of India. The comparision of public sector and private sector banks providing ATM services can also be done.


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How to Cite

Reena Prasad. (2021). Service Quality of Automated Teller Machine and Customer Satisfaction: A Case Study of State Bank of India, Patna (Bihar). International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 5(4(5), 26–34. Retrieved from


