Training and its Impact on Employee Performance: Study of Mercy Corps Kabul


  • Dr. Adil Rasool Asst. Professor, Bakhtar University, Kabul, Afghanistan
  • Ajmal Aria Researcher, Bakhtar University, Kabul, Afghanistan
  • Dr. Abdul Latif Roshan Asst. Professor Bakhtar University, Kabul, Afghanistan


Employee performance, On-job training and Off-job training


Employee is the real asset of an organization. The growth and decline of an organization depends on the performance its workforce .Hence, a study is carried out in Mercy Corps Kabul to examine different types of training and their impact on the performance of employees. The results of the study showed that employee performance depends on over all training provided in an organization. Further, results shows that on job training shows significant superior effect on employee performance. Based on the identified results few recommendations were also discussed.


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How to Cite

Dr. Adil Rasool, Ajmal Aria, & Dr. Abdul Latif Roshan. (2021). Training and its Impact on Employee Performance: Study of Mercy Corps Kabul. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 5(4(5), 13–18. Retrieved from


