E-Recruitment Practices in Indian Corporate Sector -Pros and Cons
LPG, HRM, E-recruitment, Social networkAbstract
In ancient days, we don’t have any technological knowledge, skills like uses of the internet, information system and several things. The significant of technology uses are higher in the world, after 1990’s revolutionary change of Globalization in the world as well as in India, due to the concept of LPG, Indian Companies are facing many challenges for sustaining their business. People are the most important among the concept of 6’M’s these are mainly Men, Money, Material, Machinery, Methods and Market. The Recruitment of employees is a very challenging task in today’s corporate companies. In the present situation in Indian organizations has been adopted technology in every business activity such as production, manufacturing, marketing, these technology activities of revolutionary changes penetrated in HRM functions, like recruitment and selection of the employee hiring system. Through these changes on traditional recruitment methods have replaced with E-recruitment or online recruitment process methods.
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