Analyzing the Leadership Styles of Managers in an Organisation and Comparing it with the Self Perception of the Leader Style
leadership, delegation, self-perception, autonomyAbstract
This paper intends to analyse the extent to which the different leadership styles (using the situational leadership model) i.e. Direct (A) , Coaching (B) , Facilitating (C) and Delegation (D), are applicable in an organisation across the various levels of supervisors. Further, the leadership style of the various supervisors (as indicated by a subordinate response survey) was compared with the self-perception of the leadership style using a self perception survey. Each supervisor exhibited more of one style and less of the other. Primary data has been collected from a software company in New Delhi. In most of the cases the leaders over perceived themselves to be more of delegators and believed they supported their staff by delegating them the responsibility and authority. Whereas, in all of these instances the subordinate response suggested that they exhibited the direction style more. While no one leadership style is good or bad, it has been shown through some previous studies that subordinates prefer a delegation style of leadership more in an organisation. This provides useful insights for top managers that what they might perceive as delegation role is being viewed by subordinates as more of a direction role involving less motivation factors and autonomy from the leader’s side. The supervisors might actually need to redefine their job role to suit this leadership style which is preferred by the employees and match it with their own perception. Proper communication between the supervisors and subordinates is required to discover the gaps and understand the lack.
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