Role of Supply Chain Members (Market Intermediaries) in Indian Agro Supply Chain
Supply Chain Network, market intermediaries, Indian agro industryAbstract
Indian agro industry is highly dispersed industry across every hook and corner of the subcontinent. The producers of this industry are scattered all over the country. Unlike most of the industries, Indian agro industry does not have any hub or specified area of production. Therefore it constitutes a great challenge for the supply chain members to collect production from various farms all over the country and place at the disposal of the end consumers. These consumers too are dispersed at a large geographical area. Moreover, just ensuring availability is not enough; right quality, quantity, and right price also present a challenge before such members. Under such circumstances, the role of intermediaries becomes extremely significant. Thankfully India has a large number of Agricultural supply chain members, who are day night engaged in ensuring the real time availability of agro products to the end consumers This paper highlights the role of such members on the basis of logistics and marketing value addition, post-harvest services and real time information sharing by these member in the Purvanchal area of Uttar Pradesh. A significant difference in the wholesale and retail price is also spotted. The study highlights the negligent role of these supply chain members which is the result of lack of integration and collaboration among them. The paper opens up new avenues for the researchers’ to propose a new model of agricultural supply chain where the intermediaries are streamlined and setting an overall value chain objective, thereby maximizing profits for each member of the supply chain.
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