An Investigation into Impulsive Buying Behavior: A Study of Urban Consumers in Delhi/NCR


  • Nishtha Bhushan Ph.d Scholar, Amity College of Commerce and Finance Amity University, Uttar Pradesh, India.
  • Dr. Bhawna Agarwal Associate Professor, Amity College of Commerce and Finance Amity University, Uttar Pradesh, India.


Impulse Buying, visual merchandising, collectivism and individualism


An impulse buying is an unplanned purchase of a good or a service, where the decision to purchase is made just before actual buying. Retailers and manufacturers, across the globe, spend huge sums of money on advertisements and in-store promotions to give a big push to sales through impulse buying. India has witnessed a major change in the retail environment as big retail stores have replaced individual or local vendors. The authors examine the impulse buying behavior of urban consumers in Delhi/NCR. The authors conducted an exploratory study to gain an insight into the urban consumers’ impulse buying behavior. Gender, age, and income and other demographic factors were studied to relate these factors to impulse buying behavior. Various psychographic factors like personality traits, visual merchandising, etc. were also studied to see how these factors affect impulse buying behavior. In addition, the influence of culture on impulse buying behavior was also examined. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods were used to reach a conclusion. A survey using structured questionnaire was conducted to test various hypotheses.


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How to Cite

Nishtha Bhushan, & Dr. Bhawna Agarwal. (2021). An Investigation into Impulsive Buying Behavior: A Study of Urban Consumers in Delhi/NCR. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 5(4(6), 01–10. Retrieved from


