Socio-Economic Status of Flat Owners of Gated Communities in Tamil Nadu


  • Mrs. M. Sumathi Ph.D Part-time Research Scholar, Department of Commerce, Periyar E.V.R. College Trichirappalli, India.
  • Dr.S. Revathi Associate Professor, Department of Commerce, Periyar E.V.R. College Trichirappalli, India.


Flat Owners, Gated Communities, Purchasing Behavior and Socio-Economic


The socio-economic status of flat owners of gated communities is important to understand their socio-economic backgrounds which influence their purchasing behavior towards flats in gated communities. The age, education, occupation, monthly income, marital status, type of family and size of family are the major socio-economic indicators having a great impact on decision making process of people to acquire flats in gated communities. This paper is based on descriptive study and the sample size is 711. The results are displayed by percentage and diagrammatic form. In this paper concluded that the Most of flat owners are males and majority of them are in the age group of 31 - 40 years. Majority of flat owners are graduates and most of them are private employees. Most of the flat owners have work experience of 6 – 10 years and majority of them are in the monthly income group of Rs.30, 001 - Rs.40, 000.


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How to Cite

Mrs. M. Sumathi, & Dr.S. Revathi. (2021). Socio-Economic Status of Flat Owners of Gated Communities in Tamil Nadu. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 5(4(7), 114–120. Retrieved from


