Advertising: An Effective Promotional Tool for Marketing Cosmetic Products


  • Tasha Javed Research Scholar Faculty of commerce RKDF University, Bhopal, M.P, India.
  • Tasha Javed Research Scholar Faculty of commerce RKDF University, Bhopal, M.P, India.
  • Dr. N. K. Shrivastava Dean and Head Faculty of Commerce RKDF University, Bhopal, M. P., India.


Advertisement, Consumers, Cosmetic Products, Buying Behavior


In the modern world of cut-throat competition, advertisement is playing an important role by financial programs. Advertisement lay on consumers for its success and on the other side consumer judge on materialistic standard. The purpose of promotion is to reach the targeted customer and compel them to buy the particular product. The paper focuses on three major areas, whether advertisement have any impact on the buying behavior of customers. The general objective of the study depicts whether advertisement put any change in thoughts regarding any product on consumers or not. Advertising offers vast choice to consumers for one’s product and services and offers them best in the market at reasonable price.


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How to Cite

Tasha Javed, Tasha Javed, & Dr. N. K. Shrivastava. (2021). Advertising: An Effective Promotional Tool for Marketing Cosmetic Products. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 5(4(7), 87–91. Retrieved from


