A Study on Career Self-Efficacy Beliefs on Career Exploration among Students (With Special Reference to MBA Students in Tiruchirappalli District – Tamilnadu)


  • Dr. K. Punitha Assistant Professor Department of Management Studies J.J. College of Arts and Science (Autonomous) - Pudukkottai, India.


Career, self efficacy, Career preference, Career self efficacy and Career Exploration


Today’s  scenario it is   essential to study, level of the students’ Career Self Efficacy and its impact on Career Exploration. The present study was to comprehensively analyze Career self efficacy and Career Exploration of the MBA  students in Tiruchirappalli District and also to find the relationship between Career self efficacy and Career Exploration. For about 198 students were selected from different years of the samples were done.        .

According to the results concluded that the Students are thinking that, academic performance would help them to go for a job and they thinking that, this is sufficient and necessary condition to decide their career. But, Negative Arousal is more than Positive Arousal, it shows that they are not having positive attitude. The Occupational Information was significant relation with Career Exploration. To increase the Career Exploration should have to improve the Self Appraisal, Goal Selection, Planning and Problem Solving capacity among students. Sources of Career Self efficacy factor like Past Performance Accomplishments and Verbal persuasion were significant with Career Exploration. Other than that, Vicarious Learning, Emotional Positive Arousal was also important so the students would increase their Career Exploration. because it   impact on  motivation and beliefs towards being successful at that task again in the future career. Managerial and research implication are discussed.


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How to Cite

Dr. K. Punitha. (2021). A Study on Career Self-Efficacy Beliefs on Career Exploration among Students (With Special Reference to MBA Students in Tiruchirappalli District – Tamilnadu). International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 5(4(8), 110–119. Retrieved from https://researchersworld.com/index.php/ijms/article/view/1939


