Socio – Personal Challenges Faced by Indian Women Entrepreneur
Women entrepreneurs, Socio – personal challenges, forms of business, low education level, conservative mindset, family issuesAbstract
Entrepreneurship is the process that involves lots of hard work and ability to overcome challenges and survive to earn profits. Women entrepreneurs who are involved in business can be successful only if they are very strongly prepared to take major risks in terms of money, career, relationships, failure, & the right attitude of facing every difficulty, ultimately leading them towards the path of success. The purpose of the study is to address the Socio – personal challenges faced by women entrepreneurs of Small – scale industries and ways to overcome them and to understand the intensity of these challenges in different forms of business and reason for non inclusion. Women entrepreneurs are untapped source of economic growth and they create employment opportunities not only for themselves, but also for others. They make a difference in the society by generating solutions to management problems and reducing exploitation of women by making them financially independent. Qualitative, Survey, and Quantitative methods are used for the study. Qualitative research is done using thematic research, Survey through questionnaires, & Quantitative by analyzing the data through statistical tool (SPSS). The locale for the study is the Delhi / NCR region with sample size 200, covering Women entrepreneurs of Small scale industries. The findings of the study reveal that Women entrepreneurs from different forms of business face different level of Socio - personal challenges. Data analysis depicts that different forms of business affect the intensity on the level of different kinds of Socio – personal challenges that Women entrepreneurs face in India.
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