Conceptual Framework of Personal & Organizational Attributes and Psychological Contract
Personal Attributes, Organizational Attributes, Psychological ContractAbstract
An attribute or the characteristics of a person consist of many traits, which play an important role particularly at the initial stage of their career when they want to build a rapport with the employer and carry forward a long-lasting relationship. The organization puts its effort to welcome employees. It is an effort to create a perception in the minds of a prospective employee that the organization is ready wholeheartedly to accept them, naturally, it gives immense pleasure to the employee and they look forward to the association with this type of organizations. The psychological contract is the mutual exchange of expectation and obligation by the two parties that is between employer and employee. It is an unwritten contract which is a kind of understanding between the parties concerned. There are many job-related issues which an employer expects from the employee and vice versa. The expectation of both the parties from one another is their psychological contract. An employer before hiring employee expects certain behavior and performance. After a certain period of hiring their performance has been assessed, then actual realization comes whether the expectation is met or unmet. Similarly, employees before joining the organization have a certain expectation from their prospective employer, after spending a considerable period they realize whether their expectation being met or unmet. The research found that the personal & organizational attributes and psychological contract play a major role to play in the employment conditions and association with the employer.
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