Glass Ceiling in 21st Century: Women in Management


  • Ms. Sakshi Gupta Assistant Professor, RDIAS, New Delhi, India


Glass Ceiling, Women, Barrier


The term “Glass ceiling” refers to “the unseen, yet unreachable barrier that restrains women from rising to the upper step of the corporate ladder, regardless of their qualifications or attainments”. To be more specific, it is one of the most captivating metaphors for analyzing inequalities between men and women in the workplace. The study suggests that although it may now be the case that women are able to get through the front door of managerial hierarchies but at some point they hit an invisible barrier that blocks any further upward movement. The study is entirely designed by centering the focal problem of the effect of glass ceiling on women career development. The overall study is structure based on the conceptual framework built up using the information of literature survey. The paper aims to make an effort to explain the practice or phenomenon of glass ceiling and its impact upon the female working force of 21st Century.


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How to Cite

Ms. Sakshi Gupta. (2021). Glass Ceiling in 21st Century: Women in Management. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 5(3(5), 83–93. Retrieved from


