Relationship Between Tourism Impacts and Residents’ Quality of Life: A Study in Kashmir Valley


  • Ms. Fozia Sajad Research scholar, Department of Commerce, University of Kashmir, Srinagar, India.
  • Dr. Mushtaq Ahmad Bhat Professor and Head, Department of Commerce, University of Kashmir, Srinagar, India.
  • Dr. Mushtaq Ahmad Bhat Professor and Head, Department of Commerce, University of Kashmir, Srinagar, India.


Tourism Impacts, Quality of life, Material well-being, Emotional well-being, Health and Safety well-being and Kashmir Valley


The relationship between tourism impacts and local residents’ quality of life are explicable. Once a community becomes a destination, the lives of residents in the community are affected by tourism and the support of the entire population in the tourism community is essential for the development, planning, successful operation and sustainability of tourism (Jurowski, 1994). Therefore, the quality of life (QOL) of the residents in a community should be a major concern for community leaders. If the development of tourism results in a lesser quality of life, residents may be reluctant to support tourism in their community and therefore, government planners and community developers should consider residents’ standpoints when they develop travel, and tourism programs, and help residents realize their higher order needs related to social esteem, actualization, knowledge, and aesthetics. In view of the strategic and growing importance of impacts of tourism upon residents’ quality of life, an attempt has been made in the present paper to measure the residents’ quality of life in Kashmir Valley and assess the relationship between tourism impacts and QOL. Based on data gathered from residents, with the help of a self-developed and statistically-tested research instrument, from three hundred and eighty four (384) respondents, the study concludes that that the residents’are relatively satisfied with their overall quality of life. However, they were relatively dissatisfied with the health and safety well-being domain. As a result, concerns over the potential impacts of health and safety well-being domain have created a significant demand for comprehensive planning and a need for systematic research on how to improve health and safety well-being of residents’ in order to enhance their overall quality of life.


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How to Cite

Ms. Fozia Sajad, Dr. Mushtaq Ahmad Bhat, & Dr. Mushtaq Ahmad Bhat. (2021). Relationship Between Tourism Impacts and Residents’ Quality of Life: A Study in Kashmir Valley. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 5(4(8), 09–20. Retrieved from


