The Role of Selection System using Graphology to Detect the Organizational Commitment and its Implication to the Performance of Worker


  • Rr. Catharina Dewi Wulansari Department of Management and Business, Padjadjaran University, Dipati Ukur Num.35, Lebakgede, Coblong, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
  • Ina Primiana Department of Management and Business, Padjadjaran University, Dipati Ukur Num.35, Lebakgede, Coblong, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
  • Maman Kusman Department of Management and Business, Padjadjaran University, Dipati Ukur Num.35, Lebakgede, Coblong, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia


Selection System, Commitment, Performance, Worker


The aim of of this paper is to examine The Role Of Selection System Using Graphology To detect The Organizational Commitment And Its Implication To The Performance Of Worker. The data collected consist of primary data and secondary data. Primary data obtained through observation and interview to worker and Graphologist. Secondary data were obtained through literature study. The sample consisted of the worker selected by using Graphology and without using Graphology (30 worker). Handwritten results of participants who have been collected were processed by By Handwriting Wizard. Then to analysed the data, QDA Miner Lite was used. QDA Miner Lite software is one of the tool in processing qualitative data. The results indicate that there is a role for the selection system using Graphology to detect Organizational Commitment. Beside that, there is the implication of selection using Grahology to the performance of worker.


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How to Cite

Rr. Catharina Dewi Wulansari, Ina Primiana, & Maman Kusman. (2021). The Role of Selection System using Graphology to Detect the Organizational Commitment and its Implication to the Performance of Worker. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 5(4(8), 01–08. Retrieved from


