Identifying Key Selection Factors of Mobile Network Operator and Analysing Their Importance Versus Performance from SME Customers Perspective


  • C. N. S. Ramnath Babu Assistant Professor, Jansons School of Business, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India.
  • Dr. S. Sundar Associate Professor, Bharathidasan Institute of Management, Tiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu, India.


Mobile network operator, selection factors, importance-performance analysis, switching


The primary objective of this empirical study is to identify the key factors that influence the selection of mobile telecommunications service provider/Mobile Network Operator (MNO) and assess the perceived levels of importance and performance using Importance Performance Matrix proposed by Martilla and James, (1977) from the perspective of SME customers. The survey instrument which was designed and developed after an exhaustive literature review coupled with one focus group discussions and fourteen in-depth interviews was administered through field survey and e-mail to collect the primary data from SME subscribers of leading MNOs in the west zone of Tamilnadu. The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) provided eleven critical factors namely: network service, billing system, service encounter, technology, value-added service, convenience, reputation, brand image, tariff plan, word-of-mouth and switching cost. The importance-performance analysis highlights the 'keep up the good work’ factors and ‘concentrate here’ factors that demand a reallocation of resources and guide the MNOs to formulate competitive strategies for customer acquisition and retention.


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How to Cite

C. N. S. Ramnath Babu, & Dr. S. Sundar. (2021). Identifying Key Selection Factors of Mobile Network Operator and Analysing Their Importance Versus Performance from SME Customers Perspective. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 5(3(4), 23–34. Retrieved from


