Production, Consumption and Marketed surplus of Milk in Patiala and Faridkot Districts - A Study of Punjab State
Milk Production, Milk Consumption, Marketed Surplus, AgricultureAbstract
Global milk production has mounted up more than 50 % in the last three decades, i.e. during 1983-2013 from 500 million tonnes to 769 million tonnes. Since 1970’s, most of the augmentation in milk production has been witnessed in South Asia, New Zealand, United States of America, Germany, France, Australia and Ireland are the countries which are having highest milk surpluses India, the world’s largest milk producing nation recorded a growth of 6.26 % in milk production, whereas the world milk production has shown a growth of 3.1 %. In 2014-2015, in milk production, India is trailed by the United States of America, China, Pakistan and Brazil. It was predicted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in 2013 that India would grow up to 141 million tonnes in 2014 (FAO, 2013). India is contributing almost 18.5 % of the world’s population. An increase in the number of herd size as well as an increase in milk productivity led to increase milk production in India in the recent times (Press information Bureau, Ministry of Finance, GOI, 2015). In present study an attempt is made to study the production, consumption and Marketed surplus milk by different categories of milk producers. Both secondary and primary data was used. Primary data is collected from two districts Faridkot and Patiala. The data is analysed by using averages, t-test and Z-test. Milk production is higher in Patiala district (86.33 lts) compared to Faridkot district (78.39 lts) and the difference between the two was statistically significant.In contrast, consumption of milk due to large average family size was higher in the Faridkot (5.68 lts) as compared to Patiala district (4.35 lts) and the difference was statistically significant .In the study area, a very high percentage of marketed surpluses were observed. With more production and less consumption, the marketable surplus of milk was higher in Patiala compared to Faridkot district.
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