Socio-Economic Indicators for the Development of Rural Muslim Communities: A Meta-Analysis from India


  • Mr. Niyaz Research Scholar, Department of Commerce, University College, Hampankatta, Mangalore, Karnataka, India.
  • Dr. Abbokar Siddiq Associate Professor, Department of PG Studies in Commerce, University College, Hampankatta, Mangalore,Karnataka, India.


Socio-Economic Indicator, Muslim Community, Strategy for Development


The Socio-economic condition is an imperative indicator to measure the development level of any community. One can easily understand the difficulty of the Muslim community who are the sufferers of discrimination in Indian society. The earlier studies found that majority of Muslims are poor, educationally deprived and socially excluded in the country while comparing to other majority communities. The Socio-economic backwardness of Muslims is not merely found by the individual researchers and surveys, but also by various Committees appointed by Government of India from time to time, i.e. Justice Rajinder Sachar- known as Sachar report, Prof Amitabh Kundu Report, Prof. (Dr.) N.R. Madhava Menon, the Annual report by Minority Affairs Government of India 2006-2016/17 and various other government reports. The present study gives a basic model based on various literature on socio-economic indicators of Muslim Community and it will be helpful to reach the development stage by preparing the working model. The main objective of this study is to identify the important Socio-economic Indicator of Muslim communities of India through valid literature, research article, and data from various reports. It is an attempt to prepare working model for the development of Rural Muslim Communities with the help of various socio-economic indicators such as population, Sex ratio, availability of social and physical infrastructure, family planning, health-related factors, insurance coverage, educational attainment, work participation rate & employment status, housing & related amenities planning, creditability and other.


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How to Cite

Mr. Niyaz, & Dr. Abbokar Siddiq. (2021). Socio-Economic Indicators for the Development of Rural Muslim Communities: A Meta-Analysis from India. International Journal of Management Studies (IJMS), 5(2(3), 17–33. Retrieved from


